Examines various aspects of effective writing in English including vocabulary, sentence structure, organization of material, and essays of a descriptive, comparative, expository, critical and argumentative nature. Includes numerous written exercisesA minimum of a Master’s degree is required, with teaching experience preferred.Applications must be submitted by email as specified to humlang@unb.ca.All applicants must submit a CV and letter of application expressing interest and letters of reference if possible.This course is subject to change to minimum enrollment, budgetary approval, and instruction hour changes to ensure minimum contact hours are met.There may be a Right-of-First-Refusal (ROFR) holders on this course.Applicants can access the Collective Agreement between The University of New Brunswick and The Association of University of New Brunswick Teachers - Contract Academic Employees (Group 2) at the following link https://www.unb.ca/hr/_resources/pdf/agreements/caecollectiveagreemen20162020final1.pdf