Invest in Inclusion: Canadian Job Board Ad Pricing

Finding the right talent is more than just filling a vacancy - it’s about building a team that reflects the diverse society we live in.

Our Canadian job board ad pricing models are designed with your recruitment needs in mind, offering scalable solutions to match your company’s size, hiring frequency, and diversity goals.

Unlimited Job Ads
C$ 5,750.00
Billed Yearly

Spread the word about your jobs and boost your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion branding through our network of diverse job seeker subscribers.

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Company Career Page

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.pngUnlimited Job Postings

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EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alerts Sent to Potential Candidates

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Distributed Google Jobs Network

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Jobs Featured for the First 7 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Social Media Sharing

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Company Logo on Home Page

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Resume Database Access

Single Job Post
C$ 250.00
Billed Only Once

Great for One-Off Hiring Needs

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EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png 1 Standard Job Post

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Post Live for 30 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Distributed Google Jobs Network

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Pinned to the Top of Feed

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Featured Job Post

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Social Media Sharing

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Company Logo on Home Page

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Resume Database Access

Featured Job Post
C$ 285.00
Billed Only Once

Your Job is Highlighted to Standout in the Feed: Get 2xs More Views

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Company Career Page

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png 1 Standard Job Post

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Post Live for 30 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Distributed Google Jobs Network

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Featured To Standout in the Feed

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Job Pinned to the Top of Feed

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Social Media Sharing

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Company Logo on Home Page

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Resume Database Access

5 Job Posts
C$ 1,000.00
Billed Only Once

Great for Small or Expanding Teams: 5 Posts to be Used in 365 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Company Career Page

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png 5 Job Posts

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Posts Are Live for 30 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Distributed Google Jobs Network

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png  Jobs Pinned to the Top of Feed

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Jobs Featured for the First 7 Days

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edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Company Logo on Home Page

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Resume Database Access

Email Sponsorship
C$ 115.00
Billed Only Once

Reach thousands of diverse job seekers and feature your product, services or brand.

Creative Collaboration

Don't see a plan that fits? Contact us to discuss custom solutions tailored to your unique recruitment goals.

We're ready to create something custom that fits your vibe.

Let's make the Canadian job market more inclusive place, one job ad at a time!