- Secondary (high) school graduation certificate
1 year to less than 2 years
On site
Work must be completed at the physical location. There is no option to work remotely.
Green job Help - Green job - Help
Green job - Help
Green jobs contribute to environmental preservation, conservation, and restoration. Learn more about green jobs.
This information was provided by the employer; it was not verified by Job Bank.
The employer stated that this position is a green job, because it involves tasks and responsibilities contributing to positive environmental outcomes and helping Canada achieve its net-zero target.
- Change engine oil and lubricate running gears or moving parts of automobiles, trucks or heavy equipment
- Grease booms, pulleys, buckets and other components of heavy equipment
- Install replacement mufflers, exhaust pipes, shock absorbers or radiators
- Provide on-site services
- Replace oil, air and fuel filters on motor vehicles, trucks and heavy equipment
Experience and specialization
Specialization or experience
- Specialized environmental skills and knowledge
Additional information
Work conditions and physical capabilities
- Attention to detail
- Fast-paced environment
- Hand-eye co-ordination
- Manual dexterity
- Overtime required
- Physically demanding
Own tools/equipment
- Steel-toed safety boots
- Tools
Health benefits
- Dental plan
- Disability benefits
- Health care plan
- Vision care benefits
Financial benefits
- Bonus
- Life insurance
- Pension plan
Long term benefits
- Long-term care insurance
- Maternity and parental benefits
Other Benefits
- Free parking available
- Other benefits
- Paid time off (volunteering or personal days)
- Wellness program