1.0 Introduction
Community Development Council Durham (CDCD), formerly known as the Social Development Council of Ajax-Pickering, is a non-profit charitable organization operating in Ajax, Ontario. As an Agency, we have been empowering individuals, supporting families and strengthening Durham residents for well over fifty (50) years.
As of 2025, CDCD is funded through several partnerships at the Federal, Provincial and Municipal levels of Government. As an Agency, we are committed to an equitable, inclusive and socially just community that is committed to meaningful participation for all.
To learn more about CDCD, please visit: https://www.cdcd.org
2.0 Background
CDCD is a registered charity currently operating from our Head Office in Ajax, ON and several satellite locations across the Durham Region. We are strategically located just south of the 401/Westney, and close to transit hubs, so that our clients can have easy access to our programs and services.
Originally founded in 1971 as a Social Planning Council, CDCD continued to enjoy significant growth over the past fifty (50) years. In 2021, the Agency celebrated a major milestone having doubled its client based, budget and outcomes.
In 2011, the Agency relocated to its current premises at 458 Fairall St, Ajax, ON as it took on the task to lead the establishment of the Ajax Welcome Centre Immigrant Services for newcomers to the Region of Durham. As of 2025, the agency offers several programs and services to individuals and families including Refugee Assistance, Housing Support and other Community Development focused services.
A full list of the programs and services we offer can be found at: https://www.cdcd.org/programs
3.0 Project Objectives
The objective of this Request for Proposal is twofold. Firstly, CDCD’s Strategic Plan has ended (for the 5-year period, 2018 to 2023). Given Ontario’s growth, changes, and strategic direction and its impact on residents, the first intent is to engage a consultant and subject matter expert (SME) to work with the Board of Directors to develop an updated Strategic Plan for the period 2025 to 2030.
Secondly, an SME is required to work with the Board of Directors to develop a robust Succession Plan and Performance Management Program with metrics specifically for the Executive Director role.
Note: For the purposes of this Request for Proposal (RFP), respondents are allowed to choose one of the above, or both of the above based on their experience and expertise. Vendor and/or Consultant are used interchangeably in this document.
During the engagement, the Consultant/s is expected to provide feedback on:
Strategic Plan:
● Shifting demographics that may inform the strategic plan
● Funding deficiencies
● Strategic Directions and Objectives
● Implementation
● Gaps
● Performance measurement tools during the implementation phase
Executive Director Role – Succession Planning and Performance Management Metrics:
● Best practices across the charitable/non-profit sectors
● Suggestions for Key Performance Management Metrics
● Suggestions for Succession Planning
● Suggestions for Implementation
● Continuity and Sustainability
4.0 Expected Deliverables and Timeline
The Consultant/s will adhere to all guidelines, timelines, and requests specified in this RFP. *Deliverables include but are not limited to:
● Prepare a completed five-year Strategic Plan for adoption by the Board of Directors
● Prepare a completed Performance Management Program (PMP) for adoption by the Board of Directors
● Prepare a Succession Plan for adoption by the Board of Directors
Key Deliverables and Timeline/Date
RFP Publicly Posted
January 2025
Deadline for Response
February 4, 2025
CDCD to choose SME’s
February, 2025
Work Begins
March, 2025
Draft Overview Presentation/Findings to Board of Directors
May, 2025
Final Presentation to Board of Directors
June, 2025
CDCD Board Votes/Accepts Final Documents
June, 2025
July, 2025
5.0 Guidelines
5.1 Key Contact
Contacts listed below: Direct all inquiries related to this RFP to:
Hermia Corbette Executive Director
Email: hcorbette@cdcd.org
Roger Ramkissoon Board Chair
Email: roger.ramkissoon@gmail.com
5.2 RFP Questions and Answers
Each consultant/s is solely responsible for ensuring that it has all the information necessary to prepare its proposal and for independently verifying and informing itself of any terms or conditions that may affect this proposal.
5.3 All aspects of the work must be completed within an Equity, Diversity, Anti-Racism and Inclusion Lens.
In responding to this RFP, consultants are requested to demonstrate how they will integrate an Equity, Diversity, Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression, and Inclusion (EDARAOI) lens into all aspects of their proposed work. As CDCD is deeply committed to fostering equity and inclusion across its operations and community impact, the successful consultant must outline a clear approach for embedding these principles into the agency’s strategic plan, the Executive Director’s performance management program, and the succession plan.
5.4 Acceptance of Proposal
CDCD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to accept the proposal(s) deemed most favorable to CDCD. All proposals must include a statement of authorization to submit a proposal signed by a principal of the Vendor.
Following the evaluation of the submitted proposals, CDCD may consider entering into negotiations for a contract with any prospective consultant/s it believes best meets the needs and expectations and offers the best overall content and value. The solicitation of proposals does not in any way commit CDCD to accept any proposals or to commence negotiations with any Consultant/s, and the submission of a proposal does not constitute a legally binding agreement between CDCD and any Consultant/s.
CDCD reaffirms its right to make any selection it deems prudent, and responding firms or individual participants acknowledge through their participation that such selection is not subject to protest or contest. CDCD is not bound to negotiate with the lowest costs or any Consultant/s.
CDCD reserves the right to:
● Not award a contract as a result of this RFP;
● Award contracts to one or more Consultants.
● Modify the tasks based on negotiation with Consultants and/or reduce scope based on proposed costs or any other reason
● Award a contract to the same Consultant(s) or different Consultant(s).
6.0 Proposal Requirements
6.1 Declaration of No Conflict of Interest
Respondents must declare any real, potential, or apparent conflict of interest related to working on this project in their submission.
6.2 RFP Submissions
Submit an electronic copy of your proposal to the contact as indicated in section 5.1. All responses must be received on or before 4:00 PM EST on February 4, 2025.
The Vendor’s proposal must include and address the following:
a) An Executive Summary
The Vendor shall briefly summarize the key aspects of the proposal and the primary contact person for the prospective Vendor.
b) Technical Proposal
● Introduce the Consulting team, including the capability of the firm and team.
● Provide a statement declaring the Vendor has no conflict of interest.
● Describe the Vendor’s history, experience, and recent relevant audits, ideally noting experience in not-for-profit agencies.
● Demonstrate understanding of the scope of Objectives (1) and or (2)
● Describe the Vendor’s abilities related to Consulting services, especially regarding Strategic Planning, Performance Management and Succession Planning Design.
● Identify the person(s) who would be involved in the deliverables, their proposed role, and their experience and qualifications to fulfill that role.
● Describe any professional and technical services that will be called upon to assist (if applicable).
● Indicate the Vendor’s ability to meet the timelines as set out herein.
● Provide a detailed description of the Vendor’s proposed strategy, project plan, and
processes, and deliverables.
● Provide a proposed work delivery timeline.
● Include the methodology and approaches that would be used in carrying out the information gathering.
● Include at least two (2) client references (names, phone numbers, and email addresses) who may be contacted to confirm the satisfactory delivery of service by key team member(s) on previous assignments.
● Describe any value-added services.
c) Financial Proposal
The financial proposal must include all Consultant/s costs associated with meeting all deliverables and requirements. Respondents may propose to invoice on an interim or final cost basis. All invoices must identify the costs associated.
6.3 Mandatory Requirements Check
Submissions that do not include the mandatory information below may not be scored and can be rejected:
1. Proposed work plan and timeline.
2. Methodology proposed to complete the deliverables.
3. A cost quotation that has costs for the proposed work which will be performed.
4. Costs identified in the proposal establish the basis of remuneration, identifying both the hours of work and hourly rates for appropriate categories of audit staff and appropriate out-of-pocket expenses.
7.0 Evaluation Process and Criteria
The evaluation process to determine the successful Consultant/s will involve both qualitative and quantitative elements. As a general framework, all proposals presented by Consultant/s will be evaluated in the context of the overall value that it bring to the agency. Proposals will be reviewed and ranked on the following criteria and scored out of a 100-point total as follows:
Technical Criteria will be evaluated first. Consultants must achieve a rating of 75% or more (a score of 60 out of 80) on the Technical Criteria before CDCD will consider their Financial Criteria.
Technical Ranking Criteria/Percentage
Demonstrated understanding of project goals
Approach and methodology
Innovation and creativity in approach
Qualifications of project team and firm’s relevant experience
Experience with Newcomer/Settlement Organizations, Housing and Not-for-Profit/Charitable Sectors
Value added services
Project timelines
Total Technical
Financial Ranking Criteria/Percentage
Total cost for Objective 1
Total cost for Objective 2
Total Financial