Student status
- Secondary (high) school graduation certificate
- Full time enrollment
- Part time enrollment
On site
Work must be completed at the physical location. There is no option to work remotely.
Green job Help - Green job - Help
Green job - Help
Green jobs contribute to environmental preservation, conservation, and restoration. Learn more about green jobs.
This information was provided by the employer; it was not verified by Job Bank.
The employer stated that this position is a green job, because it involves tasks and responsibilities contributing to positive environmental outcomes and helping Canada achieve its net-zero target.
Work setting
- Rural area
- Heritage/historical site
- Museum
- Conduct guided tours of museums, gallery exhibitions and historical, heritage and other sites, answer inquiries and provide information
Experience and specialization
Computer and technology knowledge
Tours focus
Technical experience
Specialization or experience
- Specialized environmental skills and knowledge
Other benefits
- Free parking available
- Other benefits
- Team building opportunities
- Parking available
Employment groups
This employer promotes equal employment opportunities for all job applicants, including those self-identifying as a member of these groups:
Support for persons with disabilities
- Provides awareness training to employees to create a welcoming work environment for persons with disabilities
- Applies accessible and inclusive recruitment policies that accommodate persons with disabilities
Support for newcomers and refugees
- Provides diversity and cross-cultural trainings to create a welcoming work environment for newcomers and/or refugees
Support for youths
- Provides awareness training to employees to create a welcoming work environment for youth
Support for Veterans
- Provides awareness training to employees to create a welcoming work environment for Veterans
Support for Indigenous people
- Develops and maintains relationships with indigenous communities, indigenous-owned businesses and organizations
- Provides cultural competency training and/or awareness training to all employees to create a welcoming work environment for Indigenous workers
Support for mature workers
- Applies hiring policies that discourage age discrimination
- Provides staff with awareness training to create a welcoming work environment for mature workers
Supports for visible minorities
- Applies hiring policies that discourage discrimination against members of visible minorities (for example: anonymizing the hiring process, etc.)
- Provides diversity and cross-cultural training to create a welcoming work environment for members of visible minorities