- Other trades certificate or diploma
2 years to less than 3 years
On site
Work must be completed at the physical location. There is no option to work remotely.
Green job Help - Green job - Help
Green job - Help
Green jobs contribute to environmental preservation, conservation, and restoration. Learn more about green jobs.
This information was provided by the employer; it was not verified by Job Bank.
The employer stated that this position is a green job, because it involves tasks and responsibilities contributing to positive environmental outcomes and helping Canada achieve its net-zero target.
- Measure and lay out reference points for installation
- Assemble and install refrigeration or air conditioning components
- Measure, cut and connect piping using welding and brazing equipment
- Start up system and test for leaks using testing devices
- Perform maintenance such as, recharging system with refrigerant, checking and testing regulators or calibrating system
- Repair and replace parts and components for entire refrigeration, air conditioning, ventilation or heat pump systems
Additional information
Work conditions and physical capabilities
- Bending, crouching, kneeling
- Attention to detail
Personal suitability
- Client focus
- Flexibility
- Team player