- College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma from a program of 1 year to 2 years
7 months to less than 1 year
On site
Work must be completed at the physical location. There is no option to work remotely.
Green job Help - Green job - Help
Green job - Help
Green jobs contribute to environmental preservation, conservation, and restoration. Learn more about green jobs.
This information was provided by the employer; it was not verified by Job Bank.
The employer stated that this position is a green job, because it involves tasks and responsibilities contributing to positive environmental outcomes and helping Canada achieve its net-zero target.
Work site environment
- Outdoors
- Cold/refrigerated
- Hot
- In/on water
- Wet/damp
- Noisy
Work setting
- Assist in conducting field research and surveys to collect data and samples
- Conduct environmental monitoring and compliance activities for the protection of wildlife and other natural resources
- Conduct field research and surveys to collect data and samples
Experience and specialization
Technical experience
- Fresh water ecosystem
- Marine ecosystem
- Plant breeding
Area of work experience
- Basic research
- Education or teaching
- Environmental monitoring
- Equipment safety assessment
- Field research and surveying
- Production operations
- Quality control and assurance
Specialization or experience
- Green economy sector
- Specialized environmental skills and knowledge
Area of specialization
- Biology
- Botany
- Aquaculture
- Marine biology
Additional information
Security and safety
- Criminal record check
- Driving record check (abstract)
Transportation/travel information
Work conditions and physical capabilities
- Repetitive tasks
- Manual dexterity
- Attention to detail
- Hand-eye co-ordination
- Ability to distinguish between colours
- Combination of sitting, standing, walking
Personal suitability
- Accurate
- Excellent oral communication
- Flexibility
- Judgement